Review: Beekse Bergen by Buddy Lloyd, age 6

Beekse Bergen is a brilliant resort for young children and we were very excited to receive a review from Buddy Lloyd, age 6, telling us what he did on each day of his holiday! The Lloyd family spent 5 days at Beekse Bergen Safari Resort in the Easter holidays. They contacted us for inspiration about where to go and found it to be a perfect fit for their young family and an easy drive from London. Buddy wrote in his journal:

“We are going to the Netherlands on holiday. We will travel by car, boat then car again. We will travel through England, France, Belgium and then we will arrive at our destination. I’m looking forward to seeing a lion and a rhino.

On Friday we spent most of the day driving. On the boat we saw where mummy swam. She went from England to France. When we finally got there we saw two animals. When we got there they were zebras and ostriches. We also saw daddy’s cousins for dinner.

Beekse Bergen rhinos

On Saturday we saw rhinos and seals and we also saw giraffes and camels and animals that were in the cow family. We went in the swimming pool too and then we went to the beach and there was a obstacle course and I fell in the water and we gone on a pedalo and it was shaped like a flamingo.

Beekse Bergen Penguins

On Sunday we went on the safari park. The animals we saw when we were driving we saw cheetahs, giraffes, yaks, blue wildebeest, camels with one hump and camels with two humps. We also got to walk around the safari park too. We saw lots more animals there. There were elephants and their babies. We also saw lazy lions and tigers. The crocodiles were as still as statues. The baboons were my favourite because they were chasing each other. As we walked around the safari park there were obstacle courses and playgrounds which I liked. After that we went to a different swimming pool. It had a really good slide. There was a pool that the water pushed me forwards and I had fun trying to swim the other way.

Beekse Bergen Speelland

On Monday we went to a place called Heusden. The road was made of thousands of little rocks. We saw three windmills but they weren’t spinning because there was no wind. On one of the houses the roof looked like steps. They told us the cannon ball got shot many years ago and it is still there in the wall of the house. I ate chocolate pancakes and they looked a bit like a pizza.


On Tuesday we went to see the lions having their breakfast. The lions only have their breakfast three times a week. The lions were fighting about their food. After that we saw chimpanzees. They were swinging on the rope and the babies were chasing and playing with a blanket. We were going to see cheetahs because mummy really wanted to see them. We also saw baby cheetahs. Finally we went on a boat and we saw a few animals we had already seen. We saw an eagle, it was swooping here and there. But it didn’t listen to the zookeeper because it was having a great time in the air.

Lions beekse Bergen

On Wednesday we packed our car and then we drove to the boat to go back to England and then we got home. My favourite things about the holiday was when Molly kept calling the ostriches turkeys. I also liked both of the swimming pools and all the animals. I had an excellent holiday”.

For more info or to book a stay at Beekse Bergen please contact us or see links below:


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